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Cybersecurity and events – new challenges for the industry!

 Behind the digital scenes: The impact of cybersecurity on event organization Securing the spotlight: How cybersecurity is transforming the events industry ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics In the run-up to the Olympic Games, cybersecurity issues are multiplying all the time, and our customers are asking us more and more about these subjects: security documents to be completed, intrusion tests, etc. When asked whether a particular site or event is at risk, the answer is unfortunately always yes. Thanks to our monitoring tools, we are able to observe the following trends in all the domains we manage almost daily intrusion attempts ; these cyberthreats are not necessarily targeted against us or the events we host, and are usually initiated by opportunistic bots, looking for known vulnerabilities in any system. Network alert: Preventing cyber attacks in major events So we need to be vigilant at all times, and take a proactive approach to protect ourselves and our customers’ data. With this in mind, we have been running penetration tests on our systems for several years now, and have taken the initiative of obtaining ISO 27001 certification in 2023. The latter enabled us to gain in maturity and to step up all our internal procedures, the choice of our partners, and risk management. Raising employee awareness and training on cyber attacks A large number of successful attacks are not based solely on the discovery of vulnerabilities, but rather on “social engineering”: phishing, information retrieval from an internal person, and so on. One of the weakest links in the system is the human element, so all employees need to be made aware of the risks (as well as good practices in terms of privacy and RGPD). It’s also important to limit password risks on event platforms: no reuse no weak word no password written on post-its… => generalize the use of password managers, and promote the use of SSO* to eliminate the need for passwords everywhere. In fact, we encourage all our customers (event agencies or advertisers’ communications departments) to use their SSO to connect to the backoffice (or to event sites for in-house events). *The Single Sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that allows a user to use a set of credentials (e.g. name and password) to access multiple applications. SSO can be used by businesses, small organizations and individuals to mitigate the management of various usernames and passwords. Implementing good development practices: the OWASP Top 10 Developers and designers should also be made aware of the most common risks, including the OWASP Top 10: We always seek to work with secure partners and proven libraries (for example, to block SQL injections). This also involves monitoring vulnerabilities in dependencies: a vulnerability may be discovered in a dependency that was previously vulnerability-free, so it needs to be updated. Identify, classify and treat risks This is one of the key points that ISO 27001 has enabled us to work on: taking the time to clearly list all the risks (to security or to the availability of our services), to put countermeasures in place, and to test them. A backup (for data) or a plan B (in the event of a crisis) is only of value if it’s been tested and you’re confident that it will work. If you have to restore a backup only to find that it’s been empty for months, it’s too late. Testing my solution with AppCraft Carry out security audits and penetration tests No matter how well we plan, zero-defects are rare. Bugs can exist, and we have to actively seek them out. The pentests we carry out are always a rich source of information, both on where we’ve succeeded (where the pentesters haven’t managed to do anything) and on where there’s still room for improvement. If you’ve never had a pentest performed, I urge you to do so quickly: perhaps your system is already very secure (and I hope you are), but you may also be in for some surprises… And the methodology used corresponds to the types of attack you’re likely to experience, so anything that can be discovered is good to patch. For your security, the event CRM you urgently need With AppCraft’s CRM platform, bring all your tools together in one place and create a seamless event experience for your attendees, guests and exhibitors. You can seamlessly manage registrations, participants and content. AppCraft, a safe solution Your corporate event deserves a standing ovation, not a cyber-intrusion! We are ISO 27001 certified. Methodical compliance with RGPD. Our developers and servers are located in France, ensuring that your data is protected by French and European legislation. Secure login with SSO or individual login and password. Regularly audited by Synactiv and Orange Cyberdefense. AppCraft is open to penetration testing by your IT departments. Discover our product in practice

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Are the Paris 2024 Olympic Games an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and trigger structural changes in the way B2B events are organized?

 Relive our eventHow to create a brand experience around the 2024 Olympic Games Contents : – Design memorable events using the Olympic Games theme.– Discover ideas for animating your community before, during and after the Olympic Games.– Benefit from feedback from event professionals. Download the e-book & access the replay Contents : 1 Associate your company with the positive image of the Olympic Games competition 2 Digital technology at the service of an international gathering. 3 Promoting energy and environmental sobriety 4 JO 2024 and participant nurturing strategy On September 13, 2017, the French capital won the bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games. Between the new infrastructures and the economic and ecological costs of such a competition, no one could fail to be impressed. The world’s biggest sporting event will therefore take place in our country. We can reasonably assume that the COVID-19 crisis will be behind us, and that B2B events will have recovered and reinvented themselves. Okay, but what does this mean in concrete terms for B2B event organizers? Associate your company with the positive image of the Olympic Games competition First of all, sport is all about togetherness and good spirit. It’s this spirit and unity that organizers need to capture. Like Schneider Electric’s organization of the Paris Marathon, affiliation with such an event conveys a positive, modern and innovative brand image . To do this, you don’t necessarily need to sponsor the event itself: you can simply organize a series of events closely or remotely linked to the competition, in face-to-face, mixed or digital format. The festive dimension of the competition and the values of sport will give your company a positive image. Not only with your customers and the general public, but also with your employees. So there’s no doubt that affiliating your events with the Paris 2024 competition can help you maximize the ROI of your events. Whatever the size of your organization, this is an opportunity to be seized, and it’s up to you to adapt the format of your event to the resources at your disposal. It is thus possible to privatize a dressing room, organize an afterwork or a meal at the end of the major days of the competition. If you want to motivate your employees, you can also organize viewing sessions of one or more notable events during teambuilding days or seminars, or set up an online platform for predictions and games with gamification and prizes at the end. Discover our gamification principles Digital technology at the service of an international gathering. In addition to conveying a good image to the stakeholders you have already identified within your organization, the Paris 2024 competition can be seized as a non-negligible networking opportunity for your organization. From both an ecological and a health point of view, event networking needs to reinvent itself! Digital technology is playing a growing role in this reshaping. It enables the creation of complete, multi-support platforms, minimizing travel and enabling an international audience to exchange information despite distance. The competition will bring together decision-makers from all over France, as well as from the rest of the world. So don’t hesitate to identify the different profiles that might interest you. Invite them to your digital and face-to-face events. The competition will be a good excuse to justify your invitation to get in touch with these different profiles. Promoting energy and environmental sobriety A zero-carbon event: This has long been a marketing argument. Nevertheless, there has been a groundswell of interest since last year, and this is set to grow stronger between now and the 2024 Olympics. This militant and committed approach is no longer utopian, and there are already ways of limiting polluting emissions before, during and after your event. Before the event : 100% paperless registration Moving from paper to digital media Setting up responsible itineraries with low-carbon modes of transport. Use a centralized, third-party equipment-free solution for guest scanning During the event : Sorting and recycling the waste generated Setting up food recovery solutions (doggy bags, etc.). Provide recharging facilities for your participants’ electric bikes. After the event : Dematerialize thank-you notes. See our case studies JO 2024 and participant nurturing strategy Based on the marketing practice of lead nurturing, which consists of offering quality content to your prospects and customers throughout the year to build a long-term relationship of trust. It’s the same with your participants, and organizing an event of this scale is a particularly good opportunity to offer your guests video and/or digital content to create a community and maintain it over time! All media can be integrated into your participant nurturing strategy. A skilful blend will give you an exceptional ROI: Feature articles Your commitment to eco-responsibility Podcasts Digital highlights A white paper… It’s up to you 😉 You have 4 years left to implement a responsible and innovative strategy! The goal? Unite your community around a high value-added event! Identify the main sources of your emissions Discover the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions from your events. Our carbon simulator analyzes your answers to highlight the areas where you can make the biggest difference in reducing their carbon footprints. Thanks to our advanced simulator, each emission detected is converted into a targeted strategy, guiding you towards the most impactful interventions for a considerably reduced carbon footprint. Make my carbon simulation The event CRM you urgently need With AppCraft’s CRM platform, bring all your tools together in one place and create a seamless event experience for your attendees, guests and exhibitors. You can seamlessly manage registrations, participants and content. Event management for ALL your events: for your 80% recurring events A completely autonomous SELF-SERVICE EVENT PLATFORM – Pack A: everything you need to manage your registrations – Pack B: additional management of registration and check-in – Pack C: the added bonus of a mobile event application Find out more about 5 or 10-event packs For your 20% events made-to-measure A unique white-label CRM for events – Over 150 modules at

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Carbon footprinting for events: what’s at stake?

It’s a fact! the events business is a polluting activity,so what to do? What to do, as the Paris 2024 Olympics are fast approaching and the organizers want to “halve” CO2 emissions compared to the previous summer Olympics. Event organizers cannot remain blind to these ambitions for their own sake! L’ADEME shows that an average event attended by 1,000 people consumes : – 100 kg of paper, equivalent to 2 trees, 30,000 liters of water.– 200 kWh of energy, equivalent to 3 years of lighting with an energy-saving bulb (15 w).– 500 kg of waste, equivalent to what a French person produces in a year. When we talk about the events industry, we often think of trade fairs, trade shows, congresses or exhibitions, whether for the general public, professionals or company employees, but these formats have very different impacts in terms of pollution. Four major challenges: Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) Events generate huge quantities of GHGs, mainly through the travel of participants (cars, planes), the use of electricity for lighting, air conditioning and so on. These emissions contribute to global warming and exacerbate environmental problems. 79% of carbon impact is due to transport and logistics. The carbon impact of a large festival on the outskirts of a town, welcoming almost 280,000 visitors over four days (like the Festival des Vieilles Charrues in Carhaix), amounts to over 15,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. 49.7% of emissions are linked to the transportation of festival-goers, 29.5% for transport of works, artistic teams and logistics, 19.9% to food and beverages,0.9% of impacts relate to merchandising, electricity and waste. Source: The Shift Project. Decarbonizing Culture, 2021, p.56 Consumption of natural resources Events require various materials such as paper for invitations, food and beverages, and audiovisual equipment, resulting in intensive use of natural resources. Waste management Events generate a considerable amount of waste, from food packaging to communication media. This waste is often poorly managed, ending up in landfills and contributing to pollution. Impact on biodiversity Certain events can disrupt local ecosystems, whether by occupying natural spaces for temporary infrastructures or by disturbing local flora and fauna. Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint in the events sector is therefore essential to minimize these negative impacts. Organizers are increasingly encouraged to adopt eco-responsible practices, such as holding virtual events, reducing waste and using renewable energies, in order to reduce their carbon footprint and preserve the environment. See our case studies Identify the main sources of your emissions Discover the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions from your events. Our carbon simulator analyzes your answers to highlight the areas where you can make the biggest difference in reducing their carbon footprints. Thanks to our advanced simulator, each emission detected is converted into a targeted strategy, guiding you towards the most impactful interventions for a considerably reduced carbon footprint. Make my carbon simulation Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint in the events sector is therefore essential to minimize these negative impacts. Organizers are increasingly encouraged to adopt eco-responsible practices, such as holding virtual events, reducing waste and using renewable energies, in order to reduce their carbon footprint and preserve the environment. Choosing a venue Is the location suited to your needs?Is the venue accessible for all participants and logistics?Is the site managed responsibly? (energy, water, waste, Internet connection…) Does the location convey the right image? How can we encourage participants to opt for less impactful modes of transport?How can we track participants’ movements to measure this impact? (at registration and on D-day)Avoid temporary infrastructures in natural areas that could disturb local flora and fauna. Choosing your catering Draw up precise specifications.Choose an ESAT.Interact with the restaurateur or caterer at every stage of the design process.Choose local, seasonal products. Mastering communication Tailor your promotion to your needs.Reduce the distribution of printed documents.Choose digital display media. Make an appointment with an event eco-design expert “We don’t inherit land from our parents, we borrow it from our children”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Contact us!

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Appcraft democratizes event gamification

Appcraft democratizes event gamification Fight for attention and engage attendees at marketing and corporate events. Gamification involves integrating game elements into non-game contexts to encourage participation. It offers benefits such as increased engagement, improved employee and user retention, and the creation of an interactive, immersive experience. This approach reinforces the reward system, gives users control, creates competition and enables participants to track their progress. Gamifying an event means making it more fun by playing games. Using mobile applications, or the event site, gamification aims to create stronger interaction, convey messages and reinforce the links between participants and the company. In a hyper-connected society where people want to have fun in both their professional and personal lives, gamifying your event is the best way to meet your employees’ needs. For the duration of the event it’s possible to play seriously – serious game – between players rather than collaborators.With the digital devices available today, gamification also makes it possible to connect event participants, whether they are in person or remotely, or a mix of the two, while exploiting the power of engagement generated by games. No one is left out. AppCraft simplifies event gamification Gamification is based on 4 principles that we have totally programmed, or pre-programmed to put it another way! 1- Reinforce the reward and challenge system That’s the tricky part: which carrot? What reward? What reward? Offer the most motivated a trip, a gym membership, a company jacket… It doesn’t matter, but there has to be a reward! This is what will encourage users to engage with your event and feel part of your brand’s adventure. In addition to the event’s program, which can be very attractive, announcing one or more individual or group challenges is an excellent way of communicating on your company’s networks or in your ecosystems: it’s an additional element of motivation to take part in your convention, your event or your event. seminar, congress, conference, etc. With AppCraft, every participant can earn medals and points from their event app ; Everything is already programmed, so there’s no need to waste time on design! 2- Make participants active during the event: give them control It’s very simple, because all the interactivity modules, or the participant’s decisions to follow a particular workshop, to respond to a particular ask questions to a speaker, or take part in a survey. Make an appointment with an exhibitor, post a photo on the social-wall, scan a QR code on a route etc… are likely to be earn him pointsOrganizers, it’s up to you to find the right pretexts to make it appealing to your audience, to make it a fun experience.With AppCraft, you can organize and prioritize each action: answering a quiz can earn you 5 points, while asking a question can earn you 1 point.Here again, everything is already programmed into the points calculation, so no time is wasted on design! 3- Create emulation among your participants, individually or in teams Obviously, leading a network of shareholders or members at a general meeting is not the same as leading a sales force. That’s why your event gamification module must be fully customizable to suit your audience. Creating emulation through gamification is a way of playing with the time of the event, before, during and potentially after (with a consolation prize, for example).Your participant has a goal to reach, and this will motivate him or her, because humans are naturally competitive and like to win or be recognized.Creating highlights and punctuating your event with games means that your participants can earn medals throughout the event. This will make them want to come back and participate even more, to earn even more points. Challenges can also be individual or collective, so your gamification module must be able to manage teams. This will reinforce interaction between employees, team cohesion and the feeling of belonging to your company or group.Here too, everything is already programmed to manage team results, so no time is wasted! 4- Follow the competition and its ranking It’s important for the motivation of each team or participant to track their results, progress and ranking.A simple interface lets you track progress from event application or on the event website for the various challenges on offer. Participants can see how far they’ve come, and how close they are to achieving the top score on a leaderboard. It’s a great way to boost your event and fuel conversations between participants or teams. See our case studies The benefits of gamification are manifold: improve participation and reduce no-shows improve engagement throughout the event set the pace for your event and stimulate interaction improve participants’ attention span anchor your messages more firmly with your audiences add a touch of entertainment to your business event make your participants actors of their experience rather than mere spectators get more feedback from your users rewarding the best For the organizer or company, gamification also makes it possible to gather an enormous amount of information from users, often very qualitative information. How many hours do you need to set up gamification for your event? Thanks to the parameter-setting screens in the Back-Office, it’s very easy to set up on event application or event website to manage points, rankings and create challenges to boost your event. With AppCraft, you’re not on your own: you’ll also benefit from a team of project managers to provide personalized support for event management and the choice of modules you can use. As the saying goes: you learn best when you’re having fun. Event management for ALL your events: for your 80% recurring events A completely autonomous SELF-SERVICE EVENT PLATFORM – Pack A: everything you need to manage your registrations – Pack B: additional management of registration and check-in – Pack C: the added bonus of a mobile event application Find out more about 5 or 10 event packs; For your 20% events made-to-measure A unique white-label CRM for events – Over 150 modules at your disposal – Dedicated project managers – White-label customization Discover

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Organizing an event for broadcast in China

Organize an event with worldwide distribution? Not as simple as you might think! When you’ve got a website, you’d think it would be accessible to everyone, no matter where they are in the world. This is not necessarily the case, especially for China. Broadcasting an event in China can present a number of constraints due to the country’s strict regulations. 1. China: an unexplored Eldorado for your events Anticipation is the key to success, whatever the event you want to organize, and doubly so for a worldwide seminar or convention in the Land of the Rising Sun. For your event platform to be accessible in China, certain parameters need to be defined. Have you ever heard of ICP*, Great Firewall*, Content Delivery Network* licenses? If you haven’t already, now is the time to read this article! 2. Points to watch Faced with the growing importance of digital events, and in order to facilitate access to events in China, effective planning requires a thorough understanding of the complexities of the Chinese ecosystem. Here are some of the main constraints: #Censorship and information control China has strict online censorship rules, which can restrict the content that can be broadcast at events. Certain politically or socially sensitive subjects may be banned or heavily regulated. #A license is required To broadcast an event online in China, it may be necessary to obtain a specific license from the authorities, especially for large-scale or public events. #Timing As the planet is not set to the same time zones, you’ll need to think about scheduling several time slots for your event so that everyone can take part. #Technological restrictions Some online broadcasting tools popular in other countries may be blocked in China, forcing the use of local or government-approved platforms, sometimes with special technical specifications or requirements. But have you carried out tests to check compatibility with the player you want to install? Test and learn to avoid unpleasant surprises on the big day and at subsequent events! #Language and cultural barriers Chinese language and culture can be barriers to broadcasting events in China. Precise adaptation and understanding of local culture and expectations are necessary to effectively reach Chinese audiences.French, English, Chinese… In which languages will your event be broadcast? You’ll need a multilingual player that works on all types of device. There are no limits for your participants. 3. Organizing an event for an optimized user experience The CDN will make it possible to load your web platform, your content and high-definition streaming . Many CDNs already enable events to be broadcast worldwide without any streams being blocked. However, not all of these CDNs have servers in China, as most of them are American, making it difficult to broadcast digital events in the country. But there are other, more suitable solutions. The use of CDNs based in areas bordering China (Korea, for example) can be an interesting option, as the cost is lower and their operation more optimal than CDNs located in China. AppCraft has a thorough understanding of the issues involved in organizing events in China, and the experience to support you in your project. By using a CDN, we provide the best performance and make sure that all the technologies are “joined up” to ensure that your event runs optimally. Request a demo LEXICON Great Firewall Also called The Great Digital Wall in reference to the Chinese Wall, this is an advanced filtering system (firewall) for controlling the flow of information online. China’s massive firewall slows website speeds by up to 40%, sometimes preventing content or images from loading completely. Sites not hosted in China are strictly controlled via this firewall, preventing the distribution of content to Chinese Internet users. ICP license for Internet Content Provider The ICP license may be necessary, but is not mandatory, to distribute your content. Is your site hosted in China? If you want to enter the Chinese market, you can obtain your ICP license by applying before you organize your event. CDN for Content Delivery Network The very essence of CDN is to support the delivery of your content from datacenters located in numerous cities across China, connected to the main ISPs in each region. A CDN will optimize your event platform and user experience, and enable you to deliver quality content to your participants. See our case studies Event management for ALL your events: for your 80% recurring events A totally autonomous “SELF-SERVICE ” EVENT PLATFORM – Pack A: everything you need to manage your registrations – Pack B: additional management of registration and check-in – Pack C: the added bonus of a mobile event application Find out more about 5 or 10-event packs For your 20% events made-to-measure A unique white-label CRM for events white label – Over 150 modules at your disposal – Dedicated project managers – White-label customization Discover our features Contact us!

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How can you successfully brand your event?

How can you successfully brand your event? Today’s business world is largely populated by suits and entrepreneurs. These entities try everything to be visible. But for most, their inability to stand out from the crowd holds them back. It’s no secret that building strong branding is an essential lever for company growth. Everywhere you go, people know the names of the best-known brands and what they stand for. You can establish what your audience needs. And you want your audience to collaborate with you. If you’re ready to learn about the benefits of powerful brand awareness and the role of events in it, here are three tips to help you stand out from the crowd. But first, what is an event? BtoB events are communication levers that can be used both internally and externally. Every event communication has a precise objective and encourages a specific type of action for a given target: employees, suppliers, service providers, etc. This practice not only gives you visibility, but above all enables you to convey the message you want to your audience. Whereas previous event techniques focused on “push” communication (CEO monologue, top-down announcements, …) the concept that AppCraft suggests instead is the construction of a win-win bilateral relationship. This is one of the reasons why branding is necessary: to establish a strong image in the minds of the people attending your event. Why is it important to hold an event? Putting on events is the cornerstone of any company’s brand awareness. It’s a way of introducing yourself to the world and creating a space to share your ideas, exchange ideas, humanize your structure and make it more accessible to your audience. If you think of major brands such as Coca-Cola or Citroën, they all seem to have a defined objective and a common focus. They have a mission and know how to execute it, know their target audience and manage to convey a controlled perception of their image in their respective sectors. Every company, through events, must seize the opportunity to build its branding. This shows your audience your company’s values and what you stand for. The event must be the reason why your audience is attracted to your company rather than to that of a competitor. If you don’t make the effort to promote yourself, people will create their own image of you. An image that is potentially skewed by their interpretation of your company. If your aim is to stand out from the crowd, emphasize your innovative and human side. And events are the perfect channel for this! What are the advantages for a company of staging an event? Increase your visibility: every day, billions of people exchange information on the Internet via social media. Use this! If you’re looking to get noticed, it’s worth setting up an event with strong branding and well-crafted communications via a variety of channels. If your communication goes viral, you increase your market visibility. If you choose the right channels, you’ll increase your visibility with your target audience. Improve your credibility: an event can help you stand out from the crowd and inspire confidence in your message. An event with good storytelling can give everyone the feeling that they can trust you. This contributes greatly to your credibility. This is one of the undeniable keys to a successful event and a long-term relationship with your target audience. Increase your revenue streams: This means attracting people’s attention long enough to exchange what you have to offer. The more people you reach, the greater your chances of increasing sales (provided you target your communication properly). In fact, some tools allow you to collect all the data from your events, so you can easily generate a return on investment (#ROI). The event CRM you urgently need With AppCraft’s CRM platform, bring all your tools together in one place and create a seamless event experience for your attendees, guests and exhibitors. You can seamlessly manage registrations, participants and content. Request a demo Here are 3 tips for a successful event: Conveying your values and storytelling Focus on a specific message When planning an event, it’s important to define your communication objectives in advance. Would you like to develop your sales? Launching a new product/service? Communicate your strategy to your employees? Network with your suppliers? Defining your objective will enable you to create a unique branding tailored to your audience and that will make you stand out from the crowd. If you don’t have a clear and precise message, it will be difficult for your audience to understand your message. Deliver a clear, specific message so that your target audience understands exactly what they can expect from you and your company. Ultimately, your brand will be more likely to attract the audience it needs if your values are aligned with its own. For example, one of our customers decided to digitize their Cybersecurity Week and set up fun workshops to create commitment. At their event, only one topic was highlighted: as you may have guessed, it was cybersecurity. And their event had just one objective: to raise awareness among their employees. If this customer had tried to cover other topics, they would have potentially lost some of their participants’ commitment. To achieve high engagement, you need to go through a thought process to determine what your issues are, your context, your target audience, your message… But also how these factors correlate. This will create an impactful event and a positive return on investment. Once you’ve found your specific message that fits your event, it’s time to implement a communication strategy that stands out. Your goal must be a subject that interests you and your audience. Who adds value to the lives of your audience in your industry. How do you choose your message? Here are a few steps to follow. Think about what you want to convey. Think about your company’s values, your interests and your skills. What kind of campaign can you imagine incorporating these elements? This is

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